Monday, July 4, 2016

Tangaroa and the Europeans

Tangaroa and the Europeans

It was a scorching hot day, and Europeans were going to the Pacific islands. They were searching for colourful kaimoana to show for the camera.
"Captain there’s a gigantic rock ahead'' yelled one of the captain’s brothers. Crack! "oh no the ship has a hole in it the oil is coming out" said the brother.
As all the oil was spilling out Tangaroa, the kaitiaki of the awa burst, "Who polluted my awa!" Tanagroa was pukuriri and very frustrated.
"We are sorry please forgive us" sobbed the Europeans. Tangaroa made humongous storms and made it makariri."Stop we will do anything for you if you stop" cried all the Europeans.

The god of Tangaroa arrived because he knew there was a situation."Tangaroa stop this storm right now and forgive them!" he yelled. Tangaroa calmed downed and was kind of hiamoe. Tangaroa was harikoa at the end and became friends with the Europeans because of Tangaroas God.

By Praise & Maria

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